Our mission is to strengthen community by eliminating the race-based opportunity and achievement gaps for students through education.
We acknowledge you are your child’s first teacher and your family possesses many strengths and assets that make your child a unique and special person. We know that families in the OpenDoors community face systemic barriers to success and our job is to eliminate those barriers. The OpenDoors team is focused on supporting your hopes and dreams for your child and their academic progress, 但是我们可以.
OpenDoors prioritizes Kindergarten through 11th grade students who are living in Buncombe County and who are most affected by the race-based opportunity and achievement gaps. We also prioritize students with learning differences (diagnosed or suspected) and students of families who are living in subsidized housing, 无家可归, 或指定麦金尼-文托.
To strengthen our work together and improve outcomes for your child, it is helpful for OpenDoors to learn more about the following areas of your personal experience.
Students and families are not obligated to answer the questions below. 但是,我们将这些机密信息用于:
We promise to keep your personal and family information confidential and never share it with third parties.
谢谢你! for being an essential part of addressing systemic barriers to your child’s progress and potential. 作为您值得信赖的合作伙伴, we hope you will lead and share your ideas and questions every step of the way. 有你的家人在我们身边,敞开的门会更强大!
请在您的推荐信中提供尽可能多的信息. 太阳城app staff will use the following questions to determine eligibility for the referred student:
这个家庭有资格申请公共援助项目吗? This includes but is not limited to, free and reduced lunch, medicaid or CHIP, SSI, 等.
该学生住在公共住房吗, 易碎或不合规格的房屋, 是“上”, 或者在过去三年里被列为无家可归者?
Is the student performing one or more years below grade level in core subjects? This includes but is not limited to English reading/writing, math, science, or social studies.
Can the student be easily accessed by OpenDoors’ existing network of support at school and/or at home?
Are the student and caregiver willing to give permission and participate in activities that may be outside of their peer or cultural norms?
阿什维尔敞开的门不是一个临时救济组织. 如果被转介的人或家庭有危机(住房), 心理健康, 运输, 营养需求, 卫生保健问题, 等.) please dial 211 to find organizations which can provide immediate assistance.
A referral to OpenDoors of Asheville is not a guarantee of services. We require meetings with parents and students and review background information before making a final decision as to the best course of action for educational support and intervention. 这个过程可能太阳城app几个月的时间, depending on the cooperation of outside agencies and response to information requests.
We aim to provide the highest quality services to our families and acknowledge that sometimes what is best for a family may be outside of our scope. We will always attempt to refer to another appropriate agency and provide a recommendation for services.
If you have any further questions about our referral process, please call or 给我们发个信息.